Click here for some urgent cooperations of

 9/2/22 Diary partner If anyone from ed3 got into the UN events  "civil society transforming education please say" Hoping to host some fringe cafe meeting on web3 and Un2  impacts on this topic ny 14 and 15 september probably flatiron district NY, or anywhere manhattan or brooklyn we can get quorum of 3 or more IN 2016 at UNGA, year 1 review of sdg4 education was so hopeless that tech people led by world bank's jim kim started digital cooperation connections between new york and geneva; fortunately since Guterres appointed to 10 year term he's multiplied more and more tech cooperation -see it appears that in our wondrous wizarding world: sunday nght UN-mongolia has taken up un's baton for 48 hours of web3-sdgs 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

usa-china cultural dialogue -people to people exchange between 2 BIGGEST COUNTRIES
-so people to people exchanges are the one big collaboration space between trump and jinping but are they valuing sports empowerment in the same dialogues?

LIU YANDONG  chinese nevoy us

tillerson 2nd beijong

cultural exchnages
gao zhikai
robert daly wislon cehnter

english langiage is most valuable connector

  1. China celebrates National Day; Begins US-China social and cultural dialogue

    • 9 hours ago
    The Chinese embassy in Washington hosted a reception just hours ago celebrating China's National Day. Among the attendees ...
    • NEW
  2. Elizabeth Harrington discusses US, Chinese cultural exchanges

    • 3 months ago
    To discuss China and America's history of cultural exchanges, CGTN's Elaine Reyes spoke with Elizabth Harrington, North ...
  3. Chinese Vice-Premier's first round of China-US Social and Cultural Dialogue

    • 12 hours ago
    Chinese Vice-Premier Liu Yandong in New York kicked off the first round of the China-US Social and Cultural Dialogue. At New ...
    • NEW belt road sports update

the secret sauce of all belt road investmnents in sustainability's race is youth happiness exchanges at border crossover points- this means that those that build communities with sports have now become the number 1 friend chinese youth friendships are being asked to linkin around the half of the world aged under 30s

Ask the leaders of the un workd bank and imf - which was global 2.0 gamechnaging summit and they will likely say either the jinping-ma china g20 out of hangzhou spet 2016 or belt riad summit may 2017; whats a bit muddling is how pthis private public duo get space to share dreams on china's rejuvenation - fortunately they can always count on tsinghua hosting flash meetings and jack ma's pied a terre in beijing is the china entrepreneur netwik which he has been host to chair at its locatiin in the entrepreneyur suburb that shares its gateway with tsinghua's south east gate

JACK MA and JINPING launch of olympics sports road is rising expoentially - forward tokyo paris la - backawar beijing london (rio the as yet unfilled space)

for those who love the people development economics of the east , japan's great chance to refriend korea and china occurs between now and tokyo olympics with japan g20 in 2019 providing wonderful reherasal space - note to the goivernor of tokyos message to the education commision of 30 national leaders

franciscan sports roads - vatican argtentina  canada france

opportunities by sport
womens golf korea  (south korea ice skating star still to be fully linked in) -note the extreme iroiny 99% of trusted community building is led by womens empowerment movements but the macho valua chain of male superstars has until recently totally failed to contribute to girls safe cities - now the key metric of un goal 11 - hence this blog will feature a lot of women educat9irs views with the hope that you can spot where to linkin this in with sports for all

leonsis basketball and ice hockey
basketball china's yao

crossovers with fashion
adidas and under armor have disgraced core trust
nike still  needs t show - dos it want to ,linhk in oregon as collabration workld stage at smae level of connectivity as jack ma; intel big data small analysis alos cehntred out of portland region

crossovers with music
singforhope goes from strenght to strebgth as new york youth only highly trusted bridge to china (eg fosun shanghai, the piano loving tourist island of xiamen host of bruics summit)

so far china is really the only country that undersrtands how much green toursism will be linked to both sports for all and smart consumer ecommerce; china has promised the workld to develop the 700 million smartest middle class consumers - they will be the most communally active in all the ways that and values most


open space for half the world
LoveQ -what?